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Get the Facts on Federal COVID-19 Relief and Recent Treasury Guidance During May 20 Webinar – Free to CSDA Members

By Vanessa Gonzales posted 05-17-2021 04:01 PM


Members of CSDA receive free access to a webinar presented by the National Special Districts Coalition on Thursday, May 20, detailing the American Rescue Plan Act’s pandemic relief resources. The webinar will focus on the recent U.S. Department of Treasury guidance on the $350 billion State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, which special districts may access by transfer from states, counties, or cities. Of these funds, the State of California’s state government will receive $27 billion and $15.9 billion will be allocated for cities and counties.


National Special Districts Coalition Presents:
State & Local Recovery Funds: Guidance, Advocacy and Alternatives
Thursday, May 20, 2021
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PT


This live webinar will offer details on key programs available for special districts relief and how districts should advocate for access to State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, the Emergency Rental Assistance and Homeowner Assistance programs, the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program, and more. The NSDC Federal Advocacy Team will provide an overview of a library of template and sample documents and will take time to answer special districts’ questions on the relief programs.


As CSDA is a founding member of the National Special Districts Coalition, CSDA members have the benefit of accessing this live webinar free of charge.


CSDA members may also download this memo outlining the Fiscal Recovery Funds guidance in advance of the May 20 webinar.


For questions, please contact Cole Karr, Federal Advocacy Coordinator for the National Special Districts Coalition and California Special Districts Association, at



